About Me


I'm Neoh and currently based in South East Asia. Outside of work, my passion lies in photography and traveling.

I have a deep love for capturing the essence of everyday life and the rich tapestry of different cultures through the camera lens. Photography is not just about taking pictures; it's about freezing moments in time, preserving the stories and emotions of the people and places. Whether it's the bustling streets of vibrant cities or the tranquil landscapes of remote villages, I find beauty in every corner, eager to unveil the intricate details that often go unnoticed. That's why I enjoyed the process exploring places off the beaten path!

Hopefully my photographs serve as windows into worlds that many may never have the chance to experience firsthand, and by sharing these moments, I'm inviting you to connect with the diversity and wonder that surrounds us all.

For collaboration or to contact me for any questions, you can fill up the form below. I'll revert back to you shortly.